Creating a pipeline

Guided experience vs JSON configuration

You have two options to create a Goldsky Mirror pipeline:

  1. With a guided CLI experience
  2. By providing a pipeline configuration

In both cases, you use the goldsky pipeline create CLI command.

Guided CLI experience

This is the simplest way to create a new pipeline. Run goldsky pipeline create <your-pipeline-name> in your terminal and follow the prompts.

In short, the CLI guides you through the following process:

  1. Select one or more source(s)
  2. Depending on the selected source(s), define transforms
  3. Configure one or more sink(s)

Pipeline configuration

This is an advanced way to create a new pipeline. Instead of using the guided CLI experience (see above), you create the pipeline configuration on your own. Run goldsky pipeline create <your-pipeline-name> --definition-path ./your-pipeline-configuration.json in your terminal to create a pipeline.

A pipeline configuration is a JSON structure with the following top-level properties:

  "sources": [],
  "transforms": [],
  "sinks": []

Both sources and sinks are required with a minimum of one entry each. transforms is optional and an empty array can be used if no transforms are needed.

For details on the pipeline configuration and all available properties, please refer to the source and sink-specific documentation.

Monitor a pipeline

When you create a new pipeline, the CLI automatically starts to monitor the status and outputs it in a table format.

If you want to monitor an existing pipeline at a later time, use the goldsky pipeline monitor <your-pipeline-name> CLI command. It refreshes every ten seconds and gives you insights into how your pipeline performs.